In the year 2444, two noble sisters, Sasha (15) and Adrianne (11), have survived a nuclear fallout, only to be torn apart. The ground splits open and Adrianne is thrown from her horse, plummeting into the ravine. Spurned on by the hope that Adrianne lives, Sasha embarks on a great journey to find her sister.
The Two Sisters was a nominee in the 12th New Media Film Festival.
Four teenagers vacationing in the Black Hills discover an artifact in their fishing hole that entangles them with a technologically advanced civilization beneath the earth's crust.
**Semifinalist in the 2019 ScreenCraft Animation Contest
Features Amazing Artwork by Brendan Kulp & Kevin Stone
The Novel is Here!
Available at Barnes & Noble or Amazon
Logline: A twelve-year old boy with autism gets a gift from his uncle, unearthed from an Egyptian construction site, that he takes to the Minnesota Science Museum and awakens evil mummies.
** Quarterfinalist in Scriptapalooza 2019
A sentimental short script about a father and daughter bonding as they plant a pine sapling.
The old St. John's Hospital is haunted by hundreds of spirits that seek out the maintenance man (a middle-aged wayward angel) to reconnect with loved ones. Based on real accounts of the paranormal recorded by healthcare professionals that served in the building. (Illustration by Brendan Kulp.)
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